Monday, June 1, 2009

The Month of June

Hello, All,

We are beginning our second month of blogging...Yeah!!!!!

As Sis. Krisha said, Mondays belong to her. I'm so excited to read the posts.

This month:

Monday: Home and Family...Sis. Krisha
Tuesday: Devotional...Sis. Dorothy
Wednesday: In the Kitchen...Sis. Nydia
Thursday: "Blessings...How to Bless Others"...Sis. Julie
Friday: "In the Spotlight....

No name on Friday because we still need a blogger. Anyone want to volunteer? Even if you did it last month, we need you!

However, to start the morning off, how about if we all comment on our favorite revival moment? I am in awe of what God did this last weekend.

Can't wait to read Sis. Krisha's post. Love you all!

Sis. D.


  1. Ok, I'm going to comment on my favorite moment..This is hard because there were so many, many moments. However, I would have to say mine is watching the new level in Bro. Albert's worship. This showed me that we are going to the next level as a church.

    Sis. D.

  2. There are so many,but I'll have to say mine was Seeing Sis.Ruby's dad get the Holy Ghost!It just really encouraged me,I want to see my family at that altar one day!What an awesome weekend!!!

  3. Well, I recieved so much from the revival. My grandpa getting the Holy Ghost, my friend whom I love and have been praying for Layla recieved the Holy Ghost and that they both were baptized, awesome! God also used people in the church in so many ways that blew my mind. Bro. Ducote spoke things that only God could of directed him to do and other people spoke to me that have no idea of what has been going on and told me things that God has been trying to tell me. God may not speak during the test but he won't let you fail if you truly seek after him and put his will and his kingdom first. We have a faithful God!

  4. Loved every night o the revival. (a key is OUT on my keyboard..can you guess which one it is?) I'm glad I got to see Layla receive the Holy Ghost and get baptized. That was awesome! And Kim's grandpa..that was awesome to see! God is good!

    One thing Bro. Ducote said that will stick with me or a long time is that God has given us promises but He wants us to respond the right way to those promises. That's something I have to work on. That was proound.

  5. I vote for Sis. Kim K to blog on friday's again!

  6. It's so hard to pick just one moment out of all the special things that happened in this revival. But, if I must choose one, I will have to be selfish and say it was a moment on a personal level for me.

    As everyone knows, we are moving to Louisiana and I have struggled inwardly with some of the 'letting go' part. I love GP church with all my heart and when we met the Duvall family, I just knew I would always be under their wonderful ministry. I didn't want to leave them or this church and miss out on all the great things coming to the assembly.

    But, there was that one moment in the service Saturday night when I just felt the release from Grand Prairie and felt a new level of love and longing for Louisiana and our new church. It was as if God Himself had just taken all the questions, fears, and reservations that I was having and replaced them with a calmness and an assurance that we were in His perfect will and timing.

    Now, having said that, I don't want anyone to take it out of context and think I am excited about leaving GP...quite the opposite. I leave with a touch of sadness in my heart because I am leaving behind some of my greatest friends. But I am leaving with a great assurance that the same God who is working in GP is going with us to be our guide. I love each of you!

  7. if you absolutely need someone for Fridays, I guess I can do it, but no poking fun or getting me in trouble if I mess it up like last month!! ha ha....for real IF there is NO one else.....
